Hello 2014! Here's the first blog for this year...! Any sore heads after celebrations last night? I went to a 'onesie party' as a Monkey, which was fantastic!
The Christmas holidays have been brilliant! I have loved being home and seeing family/friends, eating (probably a bit too much!) and catching up on everything! Santa was very generous this Christmas, I think I must have been on the 'nice list'...!
Right so I thought I would use this first blog to see what everyone's plans/resolutions/goals etc are for 2014? Feel free to share with me on the comments below!
So far mine are...
- Finish my degree
- Move in with the boyfriend (big step)
- Secure a graduate job
- Lose weight
- Show my family and friends how much they really mean to me
- Visit my sister at uni in London
- Start going running
And I am sure more will pop into my mind soon! I have a big list for the wall as my motivation whilst at uni.
I am aiming to blog once a week where possible...please keep reading if you are interested!
So finally, here is to 2014 being a great year for you all!
Ciao xx
Monday, 30 December 2013
Wednesday, 18 December 2013
Merry Christmas...
...and a Happy New Year!
Here is one last post before Christmas to say thank you all for reading my blog and to wish you a lovely Christmas! Time to enjoy the festivities, time with family and indulge in lots of lovely food!
I will be returning with a new post in 2014!
For the time-being you can keep up to date with my goings on here!
For the time-being you can keep up to date with my goings on here!
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Christmas is just around the corner....!
Right it has been a while but I am back with another post...! It's been a manic couple of weeks with deadlines, Christmas get-togethers and starting to pack for going home for Christmas! I cannot believe how quickly this semester has gone...! And I worked out that there are only 12 weeks timetabled once we are back in January before our exams start! Crumbs!
So Christmas is literally just around the corner, and I haven't really started my Christmas shopping (so bad, I know!) All I have got is a few bits and bobs here and there... Meadowhall is getting a visit on Friday..Warning to other shoppers that I will be a woman on a mission so don't get in my way!
I wouldn't have got through this semester without my Dad at the end of the phone and my friends (thanks for dealing with my breaking down!). This year is a tough one, but is worth it :) I have loved all the modules (bar one) so far, and cannot wait to continue with them in 2014!
I am just finishing off my last assignment, which is a "Springboard into Work" report on how I plan to look for graduate employment etc. It's been interested to write and look at all the different methods of looking for jobs! I managed to get a big section about #northantshour and #MKHour into my work, which I thought was pretty impressive!
I am just finishing off my last assignment, which is a "Springboard into Work" report on how I plan to look for graduate employment etc. It's been interested to write and look at all the different methods of looking for jobs! I managed to get a big section about #northantshour and #MKHour into my work, which I thought was pretty impressive!

What are everyone's plans for Christmas? Going away? Family? FOOD!?
I am going home to spend Christmas with my family (and Cat) - I cannot wait! So excited to see everyone! I also have my boyfriend's family coming over for Christmas Eve (first time in six years!!)
Ciao xx
Monday, 2 December 2013
This week has been stressful to the max with deadlines etc. so I do apologise that this isn't a very long post!
In my Marketing Communications module this week we were looking at adverts which have been banned by the ASA (Advertising Standards Agency). Each person in the seminar brought in an example and I cannot believe how shocking some of them were! How do they even get produced in the first place?!
The example I took along can be seen here - hilarious, but totally inappropriate! Other examples included Pot Noodle and KFC.
So talking of adverts, Christmas has well and truly taken over the telly! Has anyone seen this advert by Harvey Nichols?
In my Marketing Communications module this week we were looking at adverts which have been banned by the ASA (Advertising Standards Agency). Each person in the seminar brought in an example and I cannot believe how shocking some of them were! How do they even get produced in the first place?!
The example I took along can be seen here - hilarious, but totally inappropriate! Other examples included Pot Noodle and KFC.
So talking of adverts, Christmas has well and truly taken over the telly! Has anyone seen this advert by Harvey Nichols?
I am really not sure what to think of it! I mean it is good, and I understand it but is the message right for this time of the year? Surely we should be giving to those we love and cherish rather than spending on ourselves?!
I don't know about you but I am thoroughly looking forward to the Christmas break now! Final year is by far the toughest yet and I am ready for some Christmasy food, drink and merriment!
Ciao x
p.s Anyone got their Christmas decorations up yet? We have! :D
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
December is coming!

I spent last weekend at home in Northampton, which included a lovely meal at the Old Red Lion in Litchborough - highly recommend the Halluomi Filo Parcel! Going home for the weekend was lovely as it gave me a chance to relax a little whilst enjoying some home comforts! (Mum made a cake!)
I am currently doing an assignment on Strategic Management which is proving to be more difficult than I first thought! I have to say that this is my least favourite module at the moment, it's a core module which everyone within the Business School has to take. I find it interesting but it seems to be fairly outdated in some approaches! Roll on 6th December when it is hand in day for this!
The next assignment is based on Global Marketing, which I find really interesting! It is great to see how different countries operate and get a wider understanding of differing processes.
Right I best get back to my assignments! (Need to clean the flat too!!!)
Ciao x
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
A quick update
Oh, hi there.
I had fully intended on writing a post about something else this week but I am struggling to find the right words so that will come later!
The past couple of weeks have been manic with deadlines, reading and general housekeeping! My lovely friends have been graduating, which makes me sad that I am not graduating with them, but has really motivated me to work really hard! A big congratulations to them!
This week I have been to two workshops about graduate employment - some useful tips were given! I have decided to start really looking in March for jobs... but I will keep my eyes peeled for any opportunities! Step provided a guest speaker to provide information on ways of getting into graduate recruitment.
I am so excited about what is to come over the next 6 months! :)
I am so excited about what is to come over the next 6 months! :)
So I am heading home this weekend for a long-weekend of home comforts! Christmas shopping needs to commence and I am going to use the time to crack on with my next assignment! (Plus celebrate my Dad's birthday!) I am looking forward to catching up with a few people too!
Bit of a short one this week but bare with me because the next post will be longer!
Ciao xx
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Feeling Festive...
Right so 2 assignments are complete... only 3 more to go before the C word... Christmas! (Is it too early to mention that?!)
Only 6 weeks left of this semester, where has the time gone?! It's been an emotional rollercoaster so far... The pressure I put on myself with assignments is crazy! But there is light at the end of the tunnel and I am looking forward to the Christmas break! Assignments still to do include looking at the strategies for a company, taking an existing company to a new country, and a report on my job search so far...! No big deal! (haha)
Anyway, enough about that...
.... Have you seen the John Lewis and M&S Christmas ads? Not sure what your feelings are but I am not really a fan of the JL one, although I have to say that it is growing on me! However I LOVE the M&S one!
I also think the Aldi Christmas advert deserves a mention - simple yet so effective! And the Sainsbury's Christmas "film" is worth checking out if you have some spare time!
As you might be able to tell I am feeling festive! I want to start writing my Christmas cards and buying gifts! Might need to wait for a while though! Hopefully Sheffield is going to have a Christmas market... fingers crossed! Christmas films will start soon!
I am writing a cheeky blog about jobs...Coming soon to a blog (well this blog) near you...!
Ciao x
Only 6 weeks left of this semester, where has the time gone?! It's been an emotional rollercoaster so far... The pressure I put on myself with assignments is crazy! But there is light at the end of the tunnel and I am looking forward to the Christmas break! Assignments still to do include looking at the strategies for a company, taking an existing company to a new country, and a report on my job search so far...! No big deal! (haha)
Anyway, enough about that...
.... Have you seen the John Lewis and M&S Christmas ads? Not sure what your feelings are but I am not really a fan of the JL one, although I have to say that it is growing on me! However I LOVE the M&S one!
I also think the Aldi Christmas advert deserves a mention - simple yet so effective! And the Sainsbury's Christmas "film" is worth checking out if you have some spare time!
As you might be able to tell I am feeling festive! I want to start writing my Christmas cards and buying gifts! Might need to wait for a while though! Hopefully Sheffield is going to have a Christmas market... fingers crossed! Christmas films will start soon!
I am writing a cheeky blog about jobs...Coming soon to a blog (well this blog) near you...!
Ciao x
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Are companies social enough?
I am a student with very little time to do a lot of research into products and services that I want to buy - I do a lot of online shopping purely for ease, as I can order from my sofa and then go back to my uni work.
If I can't find the answer to my question quickly on a website I will turn to social media and pose my question to the company via Twitter, Facebook etc. It's perfect for me, it means that I can just go back to my work and wait for the answer to my question to come through to my phone/laptop.
But here is the thing that really bugs me... Sometimes I don't get a response! Sounds like I am just having a little rant, but it only bugs me when the company have tweeted since I posed my question. They tweet things about their company etc but are ignoring the questions/comments posed by customers!! WHY?! We live in a fast moving social world now and it seems that some companies are not able to keep up! Time to review your social media plan? I think so!
Don't get me wrong, if a company doesn't get back to me and don't tweet other things in between time then that is fine... and I do give them time to get back to me! But if you ignore me and tweet about other things that only benefit your business, you are likely to lose me as a customer! Harsh but true.
And lastly, another problem is when a company tweets back and then cannot deliver on actual customer service. One example is a well known phone company... Had a nightmare with them!
What are your thoughts? Had any good or bad experiences? I would love to hear about them!
This next coming week is a crazy one with assignment deadlines - so it is unlikely there will be a blog post! Someone get me back to this place...
If I can't find the answer to my question quickly on a website I will turn to social media and pose my question to the company via Twitter, Facebook etc. It's perfect for me, it means that I can just go back to my work and wait for the answer to my question to come through to my phone/laptop.
But here is the thing that really bugs me... Sometimes I don't get a response! Sounds like I am just having a little rant, but it only bugs me when the company have tweeted since I posed my question. They tweet things about their company etc but are ignoring the questions/comments posed by customers!! WHY?! We live in a fast moving social world now and it seems that some companies are not able to keep up! Time to review your social media plan? I think so!
Don't get me wrong, if a company doesn't get back to me and don't tweet other things in between time then that is fine... and I do give them time to get back to me! But if you ignore me and tweet about other things that only benefit your business, you are likely to lose me as a customer! Harsh but true.
And lastly, another problem is when a company tweets back and then cannot deliver on actual customer service. One example is a well known phone company... Had a nightmare with them!
What are your thoughts? Had any good or bad experiences? I would love to hear about them!
This next coming week is a crazy one with assignment deadlines - so it is unlikely there will be a blog post! Someone get me back to this place...
Sunday, 3 November 2013
Work hard...
....Play Hard!
Okay so I am not going to lie, final year at uni is tough - but if anything I think it is shaping me into a stronger and more independent individual.
My blog posts seem to be getting shorter because I feel guilty for taking time off from doing work! But I have decided that I need to have breaks so this can be part of them.
Assignments are in full swing, my first one is complete and ready to hand in on Wednesday. The second one is due in on the 15th, and I have started it this weekend... The library and I are becoming best friends it seems! (Can I move in?!) Five assignments are in before Christmas...! YIKES!
Alongside these assignments I have been doing a lot of reading, both the prep reading for my seminars and reading around different subjects for my assignments and to boost my theory. I find it really interesting to read differing opinions on marketing matters such as market segmentation etc.
So far final year has been great, albeit a bit stressful! I put a lot of added pressure onto myself because I want to know that I have tried my absolute hardest - then I will be happy no matter what degree classification I get, because I will know that I couldn't have done any more!
Anyone who tells you that final year as a Marketing student is a breeze is either lying, abnormally clever, or didn't do much work! But hey don't judge me, I am only human, of course things are going to be difficult and times are going to get tough. Every now and again I might need a good cuppa and a little rant about how hard this year is!
If anyone else is feeling the stress so far in final year, I sympathise! We need to make the most of our time at uni though, so remember to work hard, but also play hard(ish).
Have a lovely week ahead.
Ciao x
p.s here is a funny cat because this was an intense post!
Okay so I am not going to lie, final year at uni is tough - but if anything I think it is shaping me into a stronger and more independent individual.
My blog posts seem to be getting shorter because I feel guilty for taking time off from doing work! But I have decided that I need to have breaks so this can be part of them.
Assignments are in full swing, my first one is complete and ready to hand in on Wednesday. The second one is due in on the 15th, and I have started it this weekend... The library and I are becoming best friends it seems! (Can I move in?!) Five assignments are in before Christmas...! YIKES!
Alongside these assignments I have been doing a lot of reading, both the prep reading for my seminars and reading around different subjects for my assignments and to boost my theory. I find it really interesting to read differing opinions on marketing matters such as market segmentation etc.
So far final year has been great, albeit a bit stressful! I put a lot of added pressure onto myself because I want to know that I have tried my absolute hardest - then I will be happy no matter what degree classification I get, because I will know that I couldn't have done any more!
Anyone who tells you that final year as a Marketing student is a breeze is either lying, abnormally clever, or didn't do much work! But hey don't judge me, I am only human, of course things are going to be difficult and times are going to get tough. Every now and again I might need a good cuppa and a little rant about how hard this year is!
If anyone else is feeling the stress so far in final year, I sympathise! We need to make the most of our time at uni though, so remember to work hard, but also play hard(ish).
Have a lovely week ahead.
Ciao x
p.s here is a funny cat because this was an intense post!
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Social media for job hunting - help!
Right so things are stepping up a gear... November is near and that means it is only one month before my job searching takes the next step!
I am really hoping to use social media in my job searching, but would love some direction/guidance on how to do this - how cheeky can I be? Do you think using social media such as Twitter is appropriate? I have LinkedIn and this is a brilliant tool...!
Any suggestions or guidance that anyone has would be greatly received! If you have any tips please tweet me or email me
So this week is manic - so much work to do! Today I finished my first assignment of this year and now can move on to the next - it is all go this side of Christmas with deadlines every few weeks! I am really enjoying this year though, even if it is hard work! My next assignment is a product concept on a new product idea...! Wish me luck!
This Thursday is Halloween! I am still unsure if I will be going out or not (it's not my favourite night of the year, I get a bit scared!!) but we are going to be doing some scary-themed food! I am going to dress up as a bat! What are your plans for Halloween? Love it or hate it?!
Ciao x
I am really hoping to use social media in my job searching, but would love some direction/guidance on how to do this - how cheeky can I be? Do you think using social media such as Twitter is appropriate? I have LinkedIn and this is a brilliant tool...!
Any suggestions or guidance that anyone has would be greatly received! If you have any tips please tweet me or email me
So this week is manic - so much work to do! Today I finished my first assignment of this year and now can move on to the next - it is all go this side of Christmas with deadlines every few weeks! I am really enjoying this year though, even if it is hard work! My next assignment is a product concept on a new product idea...! Wish me luck!
This Thursday is Halloween! I am still unsure if I will be going out or not (it's not my favourite night of the year, I get a bit scared!!) but we are going to be doing some scary-themed food! I am going to dress up as a bat! What are your plans for Halloween? Love it or hate it?!
Ciao x
Monday, 28 October 2013
Heard of #Northantshour?
Right so anyone who takes part in #Northantshour on Twitter will know alllll about this...and if you don't where have you been?! (Obviously only if you live in and around Northants)
#Northantshour takes place every Thursday evening between 8pm and 9pm on Twitter and is regularly trending!
This December the people who take part are coming together for, what I imagine will be, a fabulous charity evening!
The event is taking place at the Black Bottom Club, Northampton on December 5th 7pm-10pm. The evening is an opportunity to meet other tweeps who participate in #Northantshour and raise money for a local charity - Niamhs Next Step. The charity was voted for by those who take part in the hour.
Participants have come together to advertise and organise this event - along with raffle donations, local bands performing, and the poster for the event being designed! (hence this blog...)
Fancy going along? A £5 donation to the Just Giving page is required (be sure to leave your name so that you are on the guest list!)
Sadly, due to being in Sheffield I am not able to attend this event but I hope everyone has a lovely evening and raise a lot of money for this local charity!
Enjoy! x
#Northantshour takes place every Thursday evening between 8pm and 9pm on Twitter and is regularly trending!
This December the people who take part are coming together for, what I imagine will be, a fabulous charity evening!
The event is taking place at the Black Bottom Club, Northampton on December 5th 7pm-10pm. The evening is an opportunity to meet other tweeps who participate in #Northantshour and raise money for a local charity - Niamhs Next Step. The charity was voted for by those who take part in the hour.
Participants have come together to advertise and organise this event - along with raffle donations, local bands performing, and the poster for the event being designed! (hence this blog...)
Fancy going along? A £5 donation to the Just Giving page is required (be sure to leave your name so that you are on the guest list!)
Sadly, due to being in Sheffield I am not able to attend this event but I hope everyone has a lovely evening and raise a lot of money for this local charity!
Enjoy! x
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Deadlines are looming...!
What a week it has been! I have been so busy with deadlines looming, lots of research and assignment writing has taken place!
I have read SO MUCH this week it's untrue but I have loved it all! So much knowledge has been taken in! And as a plus I got three of my course textbooks so I now don't have to rely on the library! Happy days!
So my favourite book at the moment is:
Marketing Management by Kotler, Keller, Brady et al.
Highly recommend this for everyone who wants to read more about Strategic Marketing Management.
The focus this week has been on two things: 1. Researching how to enter a new product into an existing marketing 2. Carrying out a career plan.
The first of these has been tough... I really struggled to come up with an innovative new product that would fit in with the assessment criteria! But I think I may have finally cracked it! (Happy days!) Now I just have to hope that all my primary research works out okay...

The second of my main tasks was a lot easier! As part of one of my modules I have to create a career plan, which is something that is fairly clear in my mind anyway! I am hoping to start applying for jobs in December... so watch this space!
This week has required some extra effort because I wanted the weekend off (It's my birthday on Saturday!) and I fancied celebrating! (Better get cleaning before my parents come up!)
Hope everyone has had a lovely week!
The focus this week has been on two things: 1. Researching how to enter a new product into an existing marketing 2. Carrying out a career plan.
The first of these has been tough... I really struggled to come up with an innovative new product that would fit in with the assessment criteria! But I think I may have finally cracked it! (Happy days!) Now I just have to hope that all my primary research works out okay...

The second of my main tasks was a lot easier! As part of one of my modules I have to create a career plan, which is something that is fairly clear in my mind anyway! I am hoping to start applying for jobs in December... so watch this space!
This week has required some extra effort because I wanted the weekend off (It's my birthday on Saturday!) and I fancied celebrating! (Better get cleaning before my parents come up!)
Hope everyone has had a lovely week!
Ciao x
Thursday, 17 October 2013
How social are you?
This week has flown by, nearly didn't have time to write an entry!
One of my tutors recently said that people choose how much information they give away about themselves on social media sites, which I found really interesting and it's been at the front of my mind for the past week or so.
I believe that I am fairly open with information if someone asks me for it via social media. I have this blog, Twitter and LinkedIn - on all of which people can contact me! I like to keep my Facebook private because that's only for my close friends to see all the pictures etc of me!
However, some companies are very closed off when it comes to using social media for doing exactly what it is meant to be for.... being social! I think companies should adopt their social media strategy so that customers are easily able to approach them for information etc. Being creative in how social media is used within an organisation really sets them apart from competition. Personally, I use Facebook and Twitter to ask companies questions, let them know when I am unhappy with them etc. I mean why not?! But you would be surprised by how many do not even reply over this channel! I am not going to name and shame these companies but I am sure you have had similar experiences!?
On the other hand there are those organisations which are incredible with being social with customers and I LOVE IT! <3 Thumbs up to them!
So things that have happened this week include:
One of my tutors recently said that people choose how much information they give away about themselves on social media sites, which I found really interesting and it's been at the front of my mind for the past week or so.
I believe that I am fairly open with information if someone asks me for it via social media. I have this blog, Twitter and LinkedIn - on all of which people can contact me! I like to keep my Facebook private because that's only for my close friends to see all the pictures etc of me!
However, some companies are very closed off when it comes to using social media for doing exactly what it is meant to be for.... being social! I think companies should adopt their social media strategy so that customers are easily able to approach them for information etc. Being creative in how social media is used within an organisation really sets them apart from competition. Personally, I use Facebook and Twitter to ask companies questions, let them know when I am unhappy with them etc. I mean why not?! But you would be surprised by how many do not even reply over this channel! I am not going to name and shame these companies but I am sure you have had similar experiences!?
On the other hand there are those organisations which are incredible with being social with customers and I LOVE IT! <3 Thumbs up to them!
So things that have happened this week include:
- Lots of reading (but now I can actually read with my new glasses!)
- Assignment has been fully planned and is now in progress...
- Enterprise Society Launch - I am on the committee and we had a fantastic launch night with lots of budding entrepreneurs attending! Some brilliant entrepreneurs from Sheffield came along to tell us about their start ups - check out their twitter pages here: Big Live Event and The Expo People.
- The job hunt continues...!
I have training for becoming a student rep tomorrow as well which I am looking forward to! Then getting the train home for a Mexican Fiesta birthday party for my friend! (It's all go!)
Hope you have all had a fabulous, albeit drizzly, week!
Ciao xx
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Just a short post...
A pretty early blog post this week... But I have more time at the beginning of the week so hey ho!
A quick summary of the past while:
- The cold has almost gone - hurrah!
- Uni is well and truly underway
- My room is pretty much finished with pictures/posters etc.
- I have become obsessed with Pinterest
- There is a need for more music in my life to keep me going through assignments - suggestions welcome!
- And finally... I have drunk thousands of cups of tea!
So at the moment I am working on my Creative Management and Professional Development assignment - which looks at my work placement and focuses on the skills I developed during that year. One thing that I always find hard is 'bigging yourself up' without sounding big-headed! But it is a good assignment because it really helps identify the areas that I need/want to work on this year!
I have spent a small fortune on books as well this week - a classic student complaint about the price of them!! But I am sure they will help in the long-run - there's just a lot to be reading!
Just a short one today - lots to be doing!
Ciao x
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
The Quest for Employment....
October is here already! It is time for dark mornings and even darker evenings...!
I have started back at uni now and so far this year looks like it is going to be a good one! All the modules look very interesting and I can't wait to get cracking on the reading!

The graduate job search has started as well... There are a lot of Graduate Schemes that have a closing date of the end of October/November! It is so scary to think how quickly we have had to start applying/searching since returning to Sheffield! I spent last weekend getting my CV fully up to date and ready for potential employers - along with signing up to several job sites!
And this has got me thinking...How far can social media be used in recruitment? I know that without a doubt LinkedIn is brilliant when it comes to looking for jobs/recruiters/interview prep. I have also been tweeting about my job search and this has led to recruitment agencies following me and consequently I have then had a search on their websites! When it comes to my job hunt I am potentially being a bit cheeky in asking about jobs (if you don't ask, you will never know!) - tweeting about vacancies isn't a cop out, I am just aiming to reach out to employers through their social channels and be a bit different to the other thousands of graduates!
Anyway, for now I am going to continue to apply for jobs online, keep my eyes peeled for all things marketing....
....BUT if you have read this and are thinking "Hey she sounds interesting, I wish I knew more about her..." then please feel free to take a look at my LinkedIn profile here
Ciao from a drizzly Sheffield x
I have started back at uni now and so far this year looks like it is going to be a good one! All the modules look very interesting and I can't wait to get cracking on the reading!

The graduate job search has started as well... There are a lot of Graduate Schemes that have a closing date of the end of October/November! It is so scary to think how quickly we have had to start applying/searching since returning to Sheffield! I spent last weekend getting my CV fully up to date and ready for potential employers - along with signing up to several job sites!
And this has got me thinking...How far can social media be used in recruitment? I know that without a doubt LinkedIn is brilliant when it comes to looking for jobs/recruiters/interview prep. I have also been tweeting about my job search and this has led to recruitment agencies following me and consequently I have then had a search on their websites! When it comes to my job hunt I am potentially being a bit cheeky in asking about jobs (if you don't ask, you will never know!) - tweeting about vacancies isn't a cop out, I am just aiming to reach out to employers through their social channels and be a bit different to the other thousands of graduates!
Anyway, for now I am going to continue to apply for jobs online, keep my eyes peeled for all things marketing....
....BUT if you have read this and are thinking "Hey she sounds interesting, I wish I knew more about her..." then please feel free to take a look at my LinkedIn profile here
Ciao from a drizzly Sheffield x
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Final year, first week!
Hello there!
Well what a week it has been so far! Freshers is well underway, and so far the highlight has to be my first headphone disco (dancing in a silent room all wearing headphones is bizzare!). I have my first day in uni on Friday, which is a day to get us all back into the swing of it after a placement year! Cannot wait to see my course mates again!
I have actually spent this week unpacking and doing some work...! Shocking! I have dipped into a couple of marketing related books, updated my CV and starting thinking of ideas for one of my modules.

I have only just started back but I am already thinking about my career, and would love to get some advice from any employers who might read this - when would you recommend starting to apply for graduate positions? If anyone could give me advice I would be so grateful! (Obviously I don't want to seem too keen!)
Next week I am starting out on the Enterprise Society as the Communications officer - more about that to follow! And I am also considering joining the Tea Drinking Society... Watch this space!!
Enjoy your weekend!
Ciao xx
Well what a week it has been so far! Freshers is well underway, and so far the highlight has to be my first headphone disco (dancing in a silent room all wearing headphones is bizzare!). I have my first day in uni on Friday, which is a day to get us all back into the swing of it after a placement year! Cannot wait to see my course mates again!
I have actually spent this week unpacking and doing some work...! Shocking! I have dipped into a couple of marketing related books, updated my CV and starting thinking of ideas for one of my modules.

I have only just started back but I am already thinking about my career, and would love to get some advice from any employers who might read this - when would you recommend starting to apply for graduate positions? If anyone could give me advice I would be so grateful! (Obviously I don't want to seem too keen!)
Next week I am starting out on the Enterprise Society as the Communications officer - more about that to follow! And I am also considering joining the Tea Drinking Society... Watch this space!!
Enjoy your weekend!
Ciao xx
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Hello from Sheffield...
All settled into my flat for the first night...alone! My flatmate doesn't come back till tomorrow so tonight I will be enjoying the company of lots of cups of tea and the telly! A massive thank you to my Dad for moving all my stuff in! (I owe you one!)
My room is nearly all sorted...but still a bit of unpacking to do tomorrow!!
I am all ready for the start of learning again, along with being the communications officer for the Enterprise society...and maybe a bit of partying?! (Sensible of course!)
I think the library is likely to become my new best friend this year...! The modules that I will be covering are:
I think the library is likely to become my new best friend this year...! The modules that I will be covering are:
- Strategic Marketing Management
- Marketing Communications
- Global Marketing
- Strategic Management
- Career Management and Professional Development
All sound pretty good - we shall see what lies in store with these...!?!?
If anyone has studied these or carries them out as part of their career I would be grateful for any tips/advice/etc.
Ciao for now x
Thursday, 12 September 2013
Orange Juice anyone...?
Right so it is now just over a week till I head back to Sheffield...! Time is flying, and I still need to pack my clothes up, sort out my printer and goodness knows what else...I feel a list coming on! But I am excited to get back into uni life!

To me, work experience is absolutely key when it comes to my CV and being able to relate interview questions to real life situations. I believe that employers are looking for someone with experience and confidence. This week I had the opportunity to work with Orange Juice Communications.This experience included social media, communication on many different levels and much more... I absolutely loved it! Having never really been exposed to PR before this gave me a real insight and the opportunity was invaluable! I can't thank the team enough for having me!
If anyone is looking for experience in PR and communications I would highly recommend giving these guys a shout! Check out their Twitter here, why not give them a follow, get tweeting, and who knows what might happen...?! (If you don't ask, you won't get!)
It seems surreal that in a few months time I will be looking for a job and starting being a grown up! Next thing I know it will be house hunting!
Have a great weekend! Thursday is the new Friday apparently...(?!)
Ciao x

To me, work experience is absolutely key when it comes to my CV and being able to relate interview questions to real life situations. I believe that employers are looking for someone with experience and confidence. This week I had the opportunity to work with Orange Juice Communications.This experience included social media, communication on many different levels and much more... I absolutely loved it! Having never really been exposed to PR before this gave me a real insight and the opportunity was invaluable! I can't thank the team enough for having me!
If anyone is looking for experience in PR and communications I would highly recommend giving these guys a shout! Check out their Twitter here, why not give them a follow, get tweeting, and who knows what might happen...?! (If you don't ask, you won't get!)
It seems surreal that in a few months time I will be looking for a job and starting being a grown up! Next thing I know it will be house hunting!
Have a great weekend! Thursday is the new Friday apparently...(?!)
Ciao x
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
London Calling....!
This weekend is going to be an emotional one - my baby sister is going off to the big city (LND) to uni! I wish her all the luck in the world as she prepares to start her adventure in becoming a children's nurse! (If you read this - I will be down to see you soon, so keep your room clean!) It's got me motivated to pack up the last bits and bobs for 2 weeks time!!
I am starting a few days work experience on Monday which I am really looking forward to - hopefully it will get me back into the swing of things and get me motivated for the start of uni!! I cannot believe that I will be starting my final year in a few weeks!!

So...social media again this week...! I have been putting a lot of time and effort into my Twitter account over the past couple of weeks, so I thought I would touch the surface with this as a topic! I have been attempting to communicate a lot more on this to different people/companies and so far it's worked a treat!! I am so impressed with some companies on their ability to respond so quickly - it's incredible!! The aspect that has impressed me the most recent has been the companies who are online at 8pm and still interacting with their followers - fantastic! I think this is a key time to be reaching out as a lot of people I know believe this is a target time for people to be tweeting. Keep up the good work! (Obviously I appreciate that this only works for certain companies/sectors etc....)
If you fancy having a look at my twitter or sending me a tweet go for it :) @helenchick91
Hope you find the picture funny (sorry if not!)
Ciao x
I am starting a few days work experience on Monday which I am really looking forward to - hopefully it will get me back into the swing of things and get me motivated for the start of uni!! I cannot believe that I will be starting my final year in a few weeks!!

So...social media again this week...! I have been putting a lot of time and effort into my Twitter account over the past couple of weeks, so I thought I would touch the surface with this as a topic! I have been attempting to communicate a lot more on this to different people/companies and so far it's worked a treat!! I am so impressed with some companies on their ability to respond so quickly - it's incredible!! The aspect that has impressed me the most recent has been the companies who are online at 8pm and still interacting with their followers - fantastic! I think this is a key time to be reaching out as a lot of people I know believe this is a target time for people to be tweeting. Keep up the good work! (Obviously I appreciate that this only works for certain companies/sectors etc....)
If you fancy having a look at my twitter or sending me a tweet go for it :) @helenchick91
Hope you find the picture funny (sorry if not!)
Ciao x
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
4 weeks till Hallam....!

The next few weeks are going to fly by, there is so much to do! Starting with making some pennies at a car boot (funding for Freshers week?!), waving off my little sister as she starts off her degree at LSBU (future nurse for your kids!), work experience for a few days (cannot wait - thanks to everyone on Northants Hour for helping me out!) and then packing my clothes and tonnes of shoes into bags before moving into my flat (feel sorry for the suitcases!) This Friday the flat is going to get a clean and I am going to (attempt) to make my room 'homely'...!
Right so a bit of Social Media bits and bobs now....
Recently I have started getting involved on Twitter with #Northantshour #MKhour and #weddinghour and I am LOVING IT! Seriously, if you haven't checked them out already then jump on board! Each of these are held for one hour each week - specific day, specific time. They provide the opportunity to tweet about your business/what help you might need/etc. It is brilliant - I managed to get some work experience from tweeting companies via #Northantshour! There is so much potential with these - check them out!
And...whilst you are there why not get social with me? Tweet me @helenchick91 :)
Enjoy the sunshine!
Ciao x
Monday, 19 August 2013
Uni Prep...
So in just over a month it will be time for me to head back up North to Sheffield to start my final year at Hallam! It has come around so quickly!! Now that I have started to pack up my belongings into bags and boxes I thought I would write a blog on what I think - from my experience - are some of the necessities for your first year in halls/a uni house! (Bear in mind these are only a few suggestions and there's all the obvious bits and bobs!)
- Door stop - Keep your door open so everyone can say hello an you can meet your new flatmates!
- Tissues - I cried when my parents left and I am not ashamed to admit it! (Even guys can get upset...)
- Cash - to head straight out later that night
- Screwdriver - sounds odd but you would be surprised how often I ended up using the multitool gadget I have!
I feel like a fresher again now! If anyone is going to Sheffield let me know! I wish all freshers the best of luck - work hard, but play hard too!
Any questions let me know! @helenchick91 or email hello@hcsocialmatters.co.uk
Any questions let me know! @helenchick91 or email hello@hcsocialmatters.co.uk
Ciao x
Monday, 12 August 2013
And I am back...
So the holiday is over and now I am back in the UK (please let the sun continue!) The past two weeks have been lovely, so relaxing! I love having the chance to completely unwind whilst on holiday! If you ever go on holiday to the Dordogne I would highly recommend going to:
- Sarlat
- Domme
- Canoeing
- Rocomadore
Anyway, back to the real world now...! So on Thursday it is the ALevel results day, which means my sister will be amungst those getting their results and finding out what path they are going to take. I cannot believe that it has been 3 years since I was in their shoes! All I can say is GOOD LUCK to everyone, and it will all work out in the end :)
This week looks like a busy one with washing, unpacking and catching up with different people!
Keep reading!
Ciao x
Monday, 5 August 2013
Marketing reading...
Before I head back to uni in September I am after a few books to read about marketing theories, these could include strategy, planning etc. but I need some advice on what to buy/get out the library (yes I still use a library!!)
If you have any suggestions I would be so grateful! Please either comment below or tweet me @helenchick91 with your recommendations!!
Your help means a lot to me!
Have a great week everyone!!
Ciao x
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
A virtual postcard...
I am currently living it up in France on holiday (don't all be too jealous!) Having finished my placement I am taking two weeks to chill, drink vino and eat cheese...along with swimming and sight- seeing! The weather is perfect and I am praying for a tan rather than a burn... Pass me the factor 30!
I am now looking for some additional work experience to broaden my experience in different areas of marketing, such as agencies, departments and different industries. This will be for between a few days and a week before I return to Sheffield for my final year! Hopefully it will allow me to get a better understanding of what I want to do when I graduate!
Anyway... Back to the pool!
Au revoir! xx
Thursday, 25 July 2013
The emotional one...
So it is official... I have had my last day on placement :(
Very emotional!! I cannot thank everyone enough, both at work and the other suppliers I worked with. You have all been so lovely and made me feel so welcome. The knowledge that I am going back to university with means so much and will come in very useful! I have handed the baton over to the new intern and wish her every success!
The send off I got was so overwhelming, no idea how I held it together! I hope everyone stays in contact :)
I know this is a short one but it had to be done...! Now on to the holiday packing and last minute panicking of not having something critical!
Ciao x
Very emotional!! I cannot thank everyone enough, both at work and the other suppliers I worked with. You have all been so lovely and made me feel so welcome. The knowledge that I am going back to university with means so much and will come in very useful! I have handed the baton over to the new intern and wish her every success!
The send off I got was so overwhelming, no idea how I held it together! I hope everyone stays in contact :)
I know this is a short one but it had to be done...! Now on to the holiday packing and last minute panicking of not having something critical!
Ciao x
Sunday, 21 July 2013
A weekend of parties
This weekend included my leaving night out for the end of my placement which is coming up on Thursday this week - crikey! It was a great night though and despite the horrendous blisters I managed to get I had so much fun!
The holiday packing has started this weekend - my room looks like a tip with clothes, bottles of suncream, and goodness knows what else all over the bed! I try to be organised when it comes to packing the "essential items" for holidays (how many pairs of shoes is acceptable!?) but apparently this year I have just made a big mess! Ooops!
So excited for holiday time though - sun, pool, relaxing and tanning/burning!
Last night we hosted a night out for a Spanish exchange student - showing him some of the "delights" of Northampton and part of our student culture. I think he enjoyed it which is the main thing...!
I am not so sure where the summer weather has gone for now...BBQ plans for tonight will hopefully still go ahead! Today I am off to hopefully get some lush tea and coffee from Pinks Fine Foods - if you love tea as much as I do definitely check them out!
Ciao for now x
The holiday packing has started this weekend - my room looks like a tip with clothes, bottles of suncream, and goodness knows what else all over the bed! I try to be organised when it comes to packing the "essential items" for holidays (how many pairs of shoes is acceptable!?) but apparently this year I have just made a big mess! Ooops!
So excited for holiday time though - sun, pool, relaxing and tanning/burning!
Last night we hosted a night out for a Spanish exchange student - showing him some of the "delights" of Northampton and part of our student culture. I think he enjoyed it which is the main thing...!
I am not so sure where the summer weather has gone for now...BBQ plans for tonight will hopefully still go ahead! Today I am off to hopefully get some lush tea and coffee from Pinks Fine Foods - if you love tea as much as I do definitely check them out!
Ciao for now x
Sunday, 14 July 2013
Strawberries and Cream
This weekend has been so chilled I have absolutely loved it! A few Pimms and a BBQ has been heavenly! And we have also been strawberry picking where we managed to get 4kg of them! Lush.
So I have caught up on The Apprentice - WOW. I am not going to say who is in the final as I know some people still won't have seen it....but I am shocked! I cannot believe that the business plans wouldn't have been vetted before the candidates were accepted onto the show so how on earth did that one get through? (If you have seen it you will know who I mean!) Cannot wait for the final now!
As an aside... has anyone seen this?! I cannot actually believe my eyes and ears... Speechless!
This week is a busy one with catching up with friends, Zumba and finalising some holiday bits. I cannot believe I have less than 2 weeks left on placement now...it is all going too quickly! Friday night will be a few leaving drinks before saying farewell next Thursday! Now is definitely the time to start handing out my business cards to potential contacts!
Enjoy your sunny afternoon :)
Ciao x
So I have caught up on The Apprentice - WOW. I am not going to say who is in the final as I know some people still won't have seen it....but I am shocked! I cannot believe that the business plans wouldn't have been vetted before the candidates were accepted onto the show so how on earth did that one get through? (If you have seen it you will know who I mean!) Cannot wait for the final now!
As an aside... has anyone seen this?! I cannot actually believe my eyes and ears... Speechless!
This week is a busy one with catching up with friends, Zumba and finalising some holiday bits. I cannot believe I have less than 2 weeks left on placement now...it is all going too quickly! Friday night will be a few leaving drinks before saying farewell next Thursday! Now is definitely the time to start handing out my business cards to potential contacts!
Enjoy your sunny afternoon :)
Ciao x
Monday, 8 July 2013
I am looking for an IT student from Sheffield Hallam/Uni of Sheffield assist and do some website development for me. I want to add some exciting content to my own website to get it up and running!
Obviously I am a poor student (boohoo) so this will be unpaid, however it will look great on your CV and I am happy for you to use it in any portfolios etc.
I have a lot of ideas on what the website should include/look like but not 100% sure on how to achieve it!
This will be for September/October time once we are all back at uni and settled in/got over freshers flu!
If you are interested please email me: hello@hcsocialmatters.co.uk
Ciao x
Twitter: @helenchick91
LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/helenchick
I am looking for an IT student from Sheffield Hallam/Uni of Sheffield assist and do some website development for me. I want to add some exciting content to my own website to get it up and running!
Obviously I am a poor student (boohoo) so this will be unpaid, however it will look great on your CV and I am happy for you to use it in any portfolios etc.
I have a lot of ideas on what the website should include/look like but not 100% sure on how to achieve it!
This will be for September/October time once we are all back at uni and settled in/got over freshers flu!
If you are interested please email me: hello@hcsocialmatters.co.uk
Ciao x
Twitter: @helenchick91
LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/helenchick
Sunday, 7 July 2013
The Summer Bucket List
What a long journey it is to Scotland...! I hadn't appreciated just how far away it was! Having traveled up via Sheffield to get the keys to my flat for next year (which is gorgeous and I am so excited to live there with Anna!) the journey took about 5 or 6 hours and was very warm! The weather this weekend has been lovely though, perfect for the Wimbledon final!
So on the journey back today I have made a list of things that I want to achieve between Monday and going back to uni...and I am determined to do them all! I am thinking of this as my "bucket list for the summer!"

They include:
- Finish my placement, accompanied with an evening out for goodbyes :(
- Get more work experience
- Holiday
- Catch up with friends before they go back to uni/start a job/go travelling
- Bridesmaid in August for THE wedding of 2013
- Tidy out all my things for the flat and get anything else I need
- Visit family
- See the Skatoons gig again - check them out if you like Ska!
- Go to the seaside
- Go to London to be a true tourist
- Stay up and watch the stars come out
And much much more... I am sure I will just keep adding to it as I go along!
Please comment below if you have any other ideas etc for this list! This is my last long summer (hopefully) so I want to make the most of it!!!
Here's to a sunny week ahead.
Ciao x
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
Klout and other stuff...
Okay...So I have explored Klout and my current Score is 43 (not sure if this is good or not?!)
This site looks pretty good, so far I have connected my Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to it - apparently FB hasn't connect yet though...! The topics seem to be areas that I have mentioned on Twitter a lot - personally love that Beyonce is listed as one of them! Hopefully I will get interacting more on LinkedIn and Twitter to up my score over the next few months! It is interesting looking at who has higher scores that I do and what they appear to be doing differently to me!
Does anyone else have this site and logged in? I am interested to hear your scores and what you think of the site! I think it could be a bit pointless but still fun!
I am off to Scotland for a long weekend, so I will be back next week with more fun times from the Marketing Student....
Happy Hump Day for tomorrow (Wednesday for those who do not know this expression!).
Ciao x
This site looks pretty good, so far I have connected my Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to it - apparently FB hasn't connect yet though...! The topics seem to be areas that I have mentioned on Twitter a lot - personally love that Beyonce is listed as one of them! Hopefully I will get interacting more on LinkedIn and Twitter to up my score over the next few months! It is interesting looking at who has higher scores that I do and what they appear to be doing differently to me!
Does anyone else have this site and logged in? I am interested to hear your scores and what you think of the site! I think it could be a bit pointless but still fun!
I am off to Scotland for a long weekend, so I will be back next week with more fun times from the Marketing Student....
Happy Hump Day for tomorrow (Wednesday for those who do not know this expression!).
Ciao x
Sunday, 30 June 2013
Catch up...
I have just caught up with this weeks apprentice, socking exit (not going to say who it was for those of you who haven't seen it yet!!) I have my favourite to win now... only 3 weeks to go!! Personally, I would never be able to go on the Apprentice, I don't think I could handle all the catty backchat!
This week I have the aim of getting to know Klout - the social media ranking site. I am intending on spending a few evenings getting to know all about this...I will be reporting back once this have been achieved! It looks pretty good, might be worth checking it out!
The final month of placement starts tomorrow (sob) I am genuinely devastated to be leaving everyone! I am going to make the most of these last few weeks and make it my aim to learn as much as I possibly can, along with attempting to make a lasting impression! ;)
Right definitely time to catch up on some telly then sleep!
Wishing you all a happy week ahead!
Ciao x
Saturday, 22 June 2013
Assignment - Complete.
My assignment is finished! Hurrah!
After a stressful week of getting this finished, tidied up and ready to be handed in I have finally done it! Lots of research on social media was done, which I loved reading about and found very interesting! Friday evening was a wee celebration with a meal and a glass of vino!
Tomorrow is the Milton Keynes Dragon Boat Race, which is going to be brilliant! I am going to be rowing in the work boat...fingers crossed we don't come last! Hopefully it won't rain, although I am sure we will end up drenched either way!
Now everyone's placements are coming to an end...and my time is coming soon :(
I don't want it to end! Next academic year is coming around very fast - I am going to get the keys for my flat in a couple of weeks!
Okay...so now I need to have a little rant about The Apprentice! This week was the advertising week and what can I say! It was shocking! In my opinion it really does not help women in business - all they seem to do is get catty with each other! And Herbert...WHAT?!
Anyway, now that my assignment is finished I have more time to blog so hopefully this will become more frequent! (Not sure if that is a good thing?!)
Ciao for now! x
After a stressful week of getting this finished, tidied up and ready to be handed in I have finally done it! Lots of research on social media was done, which I loved reading about and found very interesting! Friday evening was a wee celebration with a meal and a glass of vino!
Tomorrow is the Milton Keynes Dragon Boat Race, which is going to be brilliant! I am going to be rowing in the work boat...fingers crossed we don't come last! Hopefully it won't rain, although I am sure we will end up drenched either way!
Now everyone's placements are coming to an end...and my time is coming soon :(
I don't want it to end! Next academic year is coming around very fast - I am going to get the keys for my flat in a couple of weeks!

Anyway, now that my assignment is finished I have more time to blog so hopefully this will become more frequent! (Not sure if that is a good thing?!)
Ciao for now! x
Sunday, 16 June 2013
What a week!
This week has been brilliant and oh so busy!
I went away with work for a few days to two events, one in Cardiff and one in Crawley - such a good time! It was great to meet customers and get to see the products that I read about in action! I met some fantastic people from both the company I am on placement with and others that we work with. (If any of you read this it was a pleasure to meet you - 'Sheffield' is definitely a good nickname to get!!) The week was very full on and left me tired - I was falling asleep like a nodding dog on the way home!
Connect on LinkedIn here.
On Saturday there was no lie in as my alarm went off at half 6 for me to get a coach to London! We walked around London, saw many of the landmarks and acted like tourists! Lunch was at Garfunkels which I would highly recommend! Then the highlight of the day... We Will Rock You at the Dominion Theater, Tottenham Court Road. Now, it was the second time I saw this, but it was just as good the second time round as the first!
Today has been spent with my family at a 40th birthday BBQ, along with Prosseco, Badminton and sunshine! I have to admit that I am exhausted, and tonight will definitely be an early one!
I was gutted that when I was away with work I had my Yahoo email hacked - twice!!! I can only apologise to anyone who received any spam from me - please just delete it! Yahoo have let me down, their security is appalling and I have now decided to move my emails across to a new account - if you would let my new email address please let me know!
I am now into the final week of assignment, the deadline is this Friday coming so I will be shut away making the final touches and re-reading everything! Celebrations can take place on Friday night though with a glass of something!
And finally...
Has anyone seen this music video?! If anyone is able to explain it to me I will be so grateful!
Have a great week! Ciao x
I went away with work for a few days to two events, one in Cardiff and one in Crawley - such a good time! It was great to meet customers and get to see the products that I read about in action! I met some fantastic people from both the company I am on placement with and others that we work with. (If any of you read this it was a pleasure to meet you - 'Sheffield' is definitely a good nickname to get!!) The week was very full on and left me tired - I was falling asleep like a nodding dog on the way home!
Connect on LinkedIn here.

Today has been spent with my family at a 40th birthday BBQ, along with Prosseco, Badminton and sunshine! I have to admit that I am exhausted, and tonight will definitely be an early one!
I was gutted that when I was away with work I had my Yahoo email hacked - twice!!! I can only apologise to anyone who received any spam from me - please just delete it! Yahoo have let me down, their security is appalling and I have now decided to move my emails across to a new account - if you would let my new email address please let me know!
I am now into the final week of assignment, the deadline is this Friday coming so I will be shut away making the final touches and re-reading everything! Celebrations can take place on Friday night though with a glass of something!
And finally...
Has anyone seen this music video?! If anyone is able to explain it to me I will be so grateful!
Have a great week! Ciao x
Friday, 7 June 2013
The future's bright
This week has been so busy, but I have loved it.
Yesterday I did something that I had never done before...I went rowing on a Dragon Boat to train for the Dragon Boat Race in a couple of weeks! What an experience that was, I am definitely feeling the effects of that today!
The end is near with the assignment, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...finally! Finding the theory to go with my experiences is proving to be more difficult than first expected! Reading up on social media trends, theories and developments is brilliant!
The future is looking bright, lots of people have been talking to me about it recently. It's now only 3 months till I return to Sheffield for my final year at Hallam and focus on Marketing modules. The keys to my flat will be in my hands in one month, which I am so excited about!
Fairly short blog today but the assignment comes first today!
Have a great weekend - I am going for nachos tonight <3
Ciao x
Yesterday I did something that I had never done before...I went rowing on a Dragon Boat to train for the Dragon Boat Race in a couple of weeks! What an experience that was, I am definitely feeling the effects of that today!
The end is near with the assignment, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...finally! Finding the theory to go with my experiences is proving to be more difficult than first expected! Reading up on social media trends, theories and developments is brilliant!
The future is looking bright, lots of people have been talking to me about it recently. It's now only 3 months till I return to Sheffield for my final year at Hallam and focus on Marketing modules. The keys to my flat will be in my hands in one month, which I am so excited about!
Fairly short blog today but the assignment comes first today!
Have a great weekend - I am going for nachos tonight <3
Ciao x
Sunday, 2 June 2013
June already!
2,500 words of my assignment are done, the sun is out, and I feel like an ice cream is in order!
My SMART Action plan is almost complete, although I am still considering needing to add one more action in to it...! Now the time has come to add in more theory/academic referencing to back up what I have achieved this year and how other businesses are choosing to do similar practices. So far I have a fair amount to back up the social media side of things, and I am reading up on the others via books and our online uni library tool. Luckily when it comes to referencing I don't find that too time consuming to put in all the author details etc.
So once the 21st June comes around this assignment will be handed in, along with my 'Reflection and Review' booklet and feedback from my placement!
Having been up to Sheffield for the final time this academic year, it felt very odd saying goodbye to some people who I will not be seeing when I return in September! Most of my friends have managed to get jobs in Sheffield, so I am sure I will see them at the weekends etc. however there are a few who are moving back home! I cannot believe that in a year's time this will be me - it only seems like yesterday I was packing up boxes to move to Sheffield as a Fresher!! How time flies when you are having fun!
Anyone who is taking your A-levels GOOD LUCK! I would love to hear what your plans are for after you finish school - anyone planning on going to Sheffield Hallam or Uni of?
Anyway, back to the assignment I go - only another 1,000 words to go now.........!
Ciao x
My SMART Action plan is almost complete, although I am still considering needing to add one more action in to it...! Now the time has come to add in more theory/academic referencing to back up what I have achieved this year and how other businesses are choosing to do similar practices. So far I have a fair amount to back up the social media side of things, and I am reading up on the others via books and our online uni library tool. Luckily when it comes to referencing I don't find that too time consuming to put in all the author details etc.
So once the 21st June comes around this assignment will be handed in, along with my 'Reflection and Review' booklet and feedback from my placement!
Having been up to Sheffield for the final time this academic year, it felt very odd saying goodbye to some people who I will not be seeing when I return in September! Most of my friends have managed to get jobs in Sheffield, so I am sure I will see them at the weekends etc. however there are a few who are moving back home! I cannot believe that in a year's time this will be me - it only seems like yesterday I was packing up boxes to move to Sheffield as a Fresher!! How time flies when you are having fun!
Anyone who is taking your A-levels GOOD LUCK! I would love to hear what your plans are for after you finish school - anyone planning on going to Sheffield Hallam or Uni of?
Anyway, back to the assignment I go - only another 1,000 words to go now.........!
Ciao x
Monday, 27 May 2013
Blink and you'll miss it
Bank Holiday has been and gone in the blink of an eye! Half term has started in our house, with my sister busy revising for her A-levels! Having been up to Sheffield last week, it's sad to think that people have finished uni forever and that I may never see them again! Luckily a lot of my close friends have got a house or job in Sheffield so will be around next year!
So it has finally been sunny enough to sit outside, and I even got sunburnt! I have gone over half way on my assignment - happy days! The final part of my assignment requires me to complete a SMART Action Plan for what I want to achieve next year when I return to my studies! Now, I am not going to give too much away as I am not sure who might read this...but so far I have four and I desperately need one more to add to my plan! Any suggestions/advice would be welcomed with open arms!

This week I am determined to get another 1000 words done and set to finding a lot more academic references! Fingers crossed!
Here's a funny picture of owls if they were coffee...made me chuckle!
Have a great week everyone!
Have a great week everyone!
Ciao x
Thursday, 23 May 2013
B2B v B2C
I recently read an article suggesting that marketeers in B2B are more confident and optimistic about their work than those in B2C. It cited that "42% of B2B marketeers report improving confidence over 12 months."
Do I agree? I am not 100% sure is the honest answer! The majority of my work/studies has been on B2B, and I believe that sometimes B2B Marketing can see more difficulties in reaching the target audience.
I have almost spent 12 months in a B2B environment and I can safely say that my confidence has flourished during that time, both personally and in my work.
Other stats state that the second most effective tactic within B2B marketing is content creation, however this is classed as one of the most difficult tactics to achieve. Social media success is also ranked high on the difficulty ladder. On the other hand, social media is classed as the easiest form of marketing when it comes to B2C.
What do you think? Which category do you fall into - B2B or B2C?
I think I will be able to have a true answer to this once I am in full time employment!?
Ciao x
p.s I have just sorted out my own website check it out here - it is still a work in progress! Feedback appreciated
Do I agree? I am not 100% sure is the honest answer! The majority of my work/studies has been on B2B, and I believe that sometimes B2B Marketing can see more difficulties in reaching the target audience.
I have almost spent 12 months in a B2B environment and I can safely say that my confidence has flourished during that time, both personally and in my work.
Other stats state that the second most effective tactic within B2B marketing is content creation, however this is classed as one of the most difficult tactics to achieve. Social media success is also ranked high on the difficulty ladder. On the other hand, social media is classed as the easiest form of marketing when it comes to B2C.
What do you think? Which category do you fall into - B2B or B2C?
I think I will be able to have a true answer to this once I am in full time employment!?
Ciao x
p.s I have just sorted out my own website check it out here - it is still a work in progress! Feedback appreciated
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