I went away with work for a few days to two events, one in Cardiff and one in Crawley - such a good time! It was great to meet customers and get to see the products that I read about in action! I met some fantastic people from both the company I am on placement with and others that we work with. (If any of you read this it was a pleasure to meet you - 'Sheffield' is definitely a good nickname to get!!) The week was very full on and left me tired - I was falling asleep like a nodding dog on the way home!
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Today has been spent with my family at a 40th birthday BBQ, along with Prosseco, Badminton and sunshine! I have to admit that I am exhausted, and tonight will definitely be an early one!
I was gutted that when I was away with work I had my Yahoo email hacked - twice!!! I can only apologise to anyone who received any spam from me - please just delete it! Yahoo have let me down, their security is appalling and I have now decided to move my emails across to a new account - if you would let my new email address please let me know!
I am now into the final week of assignment, the deadline is this Friday coming so I will be shut away making the final touches and re-reading everything! Celebrations can take place on Friday night though with a glass of something!
And finally...
Has anyone seen this music video?! If anyone is able to explain it to me I will be so grateful!
Have a great week! Ciao x
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