Tuesday, 16 April 2013

When does a brand become a verb?

There are many brands which have become verbs, such as Google and Facebook, but at what point does this happen? And how does it come about?

Other examples include:

  • FaceTime
  • Tweet
  • Skype
  • Hoover

In the business world they are torn as to whether the brands becoming verbs is a good idea or not. It can be seen as the personal connection between the brand and the consumer - having the connection of being everywhere in every word, every thought. On the other hand though, it is argued that it can lose the meaning, for example you could be "hoovering" whilst using a Dyson.

It has been suggested that companies should consider whether their brand is likely to become a verb in their brand guidelines and business marketing plan - this is done to either encourage or discourage the verb dilemma.

I am guilty of using brands as verbs, especially Hoover, Skype, Facebook and Youtube.

What brands do you use as verbs? Do you think that companies should be considering this as part of their brand guidelines?

Bit more of a formal blog today...!

Ciao x

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps they become common place verbs when they reach the critical 'tipping point'?

