Sunday, 7 April 2013


The iPhone and I have now been partners in crime for a couple of months and we are getting on very well :) My initial hatred for iPhones has been taken over by the love. And now the apps have started to be downloaded!

So far I have only gone for free apps - the obvious ones being Twitter and Facebook - which were downloaded within a few hours of having the phone up and running!

Others include:

Snapchat - Love this! Great fun sending funny pictures to my friends. The pics are gone              within 10 seconds.

NHS Blood - This lets me check out where I can give blood and book appointments.

My Fitness Pal - Counts the calories, exercise done and allows you to keep a food diary. Perfect aid for my diet!

Big Day Lite - Countdown to your big events! Mine is currently counting down to going to see Watsky

Dominos Pizza - Not so great for the diet, order pizza from anywhere!

These are only a few of the ones I have downloaded so far, but I would highly recommend them!

Do you have any suggestions of apps I should download? I don't really like games but anything else would be greatly appreciated!

Also, why not take part in the poll I am running? I want to get some feedback on what you would like to see in the future on this blog! It will be running for a couple of weeks, so please let me know!

Ciao x


  1. Odeon, Netflix and Instagram are good although not so much instagram since they shut off their Twitter sharing feature. Domino's and my fitness pal go great together ;)

    1. Just got Odeon (only going to be used in Sheffield as we dont have one here) Glad you like my combo of Dominos and fitness ;)
