My assignment is due in within 2 months, and seems to be the hardest piece of work I have ever had to do! But it is all good, as I have a clear plan of what I am doing and where I am going with this! Just need to keep focused!
This also means that I have to say goodbye to everyone at the placement, which is going to be a horrible day! :(
A quick holiday to get a natural tan for once and chill out.
September will be here before I know it and I will be thrown straight back into the uni life (sensible of course). I have to say I am looking forward to going back to uni to focus on the marketing theory - hopefully with a lot of emphasis on social media too! My plan is to sideline some work on social media channels alongside my uni work...so fingers crossed!
As you can see it is all go at the moment! On top of all this I need some new knives and forks for my flat in Sheffield (the slugs got to my old ones...don't ask!) 18 months I will be stressing over final exams, assignments etc and looking for a job. Why does time fly by?!?!
Please bare with me if these blogs become a bit more sporadic!
On a more light-hearted note I would like to say congrats to my sister who got offered a place at London South Bank uni :) Keep revising to get those grades chick! I feel sympathy for everyone taking A-levels right now - potentially the most stressful time of school. Good luck :)
Now I am back to the assignment... Tea, Revels, Cherries and any music suggestions would be gratefully received! <3
Ciao x
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