Having not done an exam since before my placement year I am in a slight panic about writing non-stop for 2 hours... Preparing for cramp/hand spasms! And the 'rules' seem to have changed an awful lot in the past year, so let's hope I don't break any of those!

1. Drink lots of tea!
As you may know I love love love tea. Therefore I drink a lot of it whilst revising, plus making a brew takes you away from reading and straining your eyes. Green or fruit tea is a great detox too so I have stocked up on my berries teabags!
2. Buy some good dunkers!
Find your perfect biscuit to accompany your tea! (Note this does not apply to green/fruit tea, obviously)
3. Eat lots of 'brain foods'
4. Have a kit-kat or Diet Coke (aka break)
Thrown a little bit of marketing in there with the classic break snacks...? But yes, lots of breaks to absorb what you have read/written and to stop you wanting to have a sob...
5. Celebrate after exams!
Pretty self explanatory....
We are going to the pub after our last exam I think, it's the light at the end of the tunnel.
Right I am heading back to hit the books now... Notecards are EVERYWHERE.
Good luck to anyone else taking exams!
Ciao xx
(p.s thanks to my flatmate for inspiring the post title...)
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