And then we move on to the second, which is slightly less "sexy"... This one is a consultancy project for a vending machine company, needless to say the inspiration of how to make this engaging with the audience took us a while to decide!
Anyway fingers crossed these will all come together and go well, I am so lucky with the groups I am in as the other people are all brilliant (and we are going to be spending a lot of time together in the library - snacks galore!)
Oh such a glamorous life of a marketing student!
Anyway as a side of all the marketing going on...
Say Hello!
I have decided that I would love to know who reads my blog as I am not sure who you lovely readers are! So here's the challenge - let me know who you are! Either comment below or send me a little tweet! (Don't panic just say hey!) I love the community I have developed through different social media channels and it would be great to know who actually looks at the blog from those!
Also as we are heading towards the end of being a student I am not sure if I am going to continue with the blog? Need some direction on where to take it!
Ciao for now! x
Hello you...