Well this weekend has been highly eventful! I went on my first Hen Do for my "big sister" - the best time ever! No detail can be divulged about the weekend...but I will just say that it was incredible! It is definitely time for a nap though! The biggest congratulations to the Bride to Be - she means the world to me! I have just caught up with this weeks apprentice, socking exit (not going to say who it was for those of you who haven't seen it yet!!) I have my favourite to win now... only 3 weeks to go!! Personally, I would never be able to go on the Apprentice, I don't think I could handle all the catty backchat! This week I have the aim of getting to know Klout - the social media ranking site. I am intending on spending a few evenings getting to know all about this...I will be reporting back once this have been achieved! It looks pretty good, might be worth checking it out! The final month of placement starts tomorrow (sob) I am genuinely devastated to be leaving everyone! I am going to make the most of these last few weeks and make it my aim to learn as much as I possibly can, along with attempting to make a lasting impression! ;) Right definitely time to catch up on some telly then sleep! Wishing you all a happy week ahead! Ciao x
My assignment is finished! Hurrah! After a stressful week of getting this finished, tidied up and ready to be handed in I have finally done it! Lots of research on social media was done, which I loved reading about and found very interesting! Friday evening was a wee celebration with a meal and a glass of vino! Tomorrow is the Milton Keynes Dragon Boat Race, which is going to be brilliant! I am going to be rowing in the work boat...fingers crossed we don't come last! Hopefully it won't rain, although I am sure we will end up drenched either way! Now everyone's placements are coming to an end...and my time is coming soon :( I don't want it to end! Next academic year is coming around very fast - I am going to get the keys for my flat in a couple of weeks! Okay...so now I need to have a little rant about The Apprentice! This week was the advertising week and what can I say! It was shocking! In my opinion it really does not help women in business - all they seem to do is get catty with each other! And Herbert...WHAT?! Anyway, now that my assignment is finished I have more time to blog so hopefully this will become more frequent! (Not sure if that is a good thing?!) Ciao for now! x
This week has been brilliant and oh so busy! I went away with work for a few days to two events, one in Cardiff and one in Crawley - such a good time! It was great to meet customers and get to see the products that I read about in action! I met some fantastic people from both the company I am on placement with and others that we work with. (If any of you read this it was a pleasure to meet you - 'Sheffield' is definitely a good nickname to get!!) The week was very full on and left me tired - I was falling asleep like a nodding dog on the way home!
Connect on LinkedIn here. On Saturday there was no lie in as my alarm went off at half 6 for me to get a coach to London! We walked around London, saw many of the landmarks and acted like tourists! Lunch was at Garfunkels which I would highly recommend! Then the highlight of the day... We Will Rock You at the Dominion Theater, Tottenham Court Road. Now, it was the second time I saw this, but it was just as good the second time round as the first! Today has been spent with my family at a 40th birthday BBQ, along with Prosseco, Badminton and sunshine! I have to admit that I am exhausted, and tonight will definitely be an early one! I was gutted that when I was away with work I had my Yahoo email hacked - twice!!! I can only apologise to anyone who received any spam from me - please just delete it! Yahoo have let me down, their security is appalling and I have now decided to move my emails across to a new account - if you would let my new email address please let me know! I am now into the final week of assignment, the deadline is this Friday coming so I will be shut away making the final touches and re-reading everything! Celebrations can take place on Friday night though with a glass of something! And finally... Has anyone seen this music video?! If anyone is able to explain it to me I will be so grateful!
This week has been so busy, but I have loved it. Yesterday I did something that I had never done before...I went rowing on a Dragon Boat to train for the Dragon Boat Race in a couple of weeks! What an experience that was, I am definitely feeling the effects of that today! The end is near with the assignment, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...finally! Finding the theory to go with my experiences is proving to be more difficult than first expected! Reading up on social media trends, theories and developments is brilliant! The future is looking bright, lots of people have been talking to me about it recently. It's now only 3 months till I return to Sheffield for my final year at Hallam and focus on Marketing modules. The keys to my flat will be in my hands in one month, which I am so excited about! Fairly short blog today but the assignment comes first today! Have a great weekend - I am going for nachos tonight <3 Ciao x
2,500 words of my assignment are done, the sun is out, and I feel like an ice cream is in order! My SMART Action plan is almost complete, although I am still considering needing to add one more action in to it...! Now the time has come to add in more theory/academic referencing to back up what I have achieved this year and how other businesses are choosing to do similar practices. So far I have a fair amount to back up the social media side of things, and I am reading up on the others via books and our online uni library tool. Luckily when it comes to referencing I don't find that too time consuming to put in all the author details etc. So once the 21st June comes around this assignment will be handed in, along with my 'Reflection and Review' booklet and feedback from my placement! Having been up to Sheffield for the final time this academic year, it felt very odd saying goodbye to some people who I will not be seeing when I return in September! Most of my friends have managed to get jobs in Sheffield, so I am sure I will see them at the weekends etc. however there are a few who are moving back home! I cannot believe that in a year's time this will be me - it only seems like yesterday I was packing up boxes to move to Sheffield as a Fresher!! How time flies when you are having fun! Anyone who is taking your A-levels GOOD LUCK! I would love to hear what your plans are for after you finish school - anyone planning on going to Sheffield Hallam or Uni of? Anyway, back to the assignment I go - only another 1,000 words to go now.........! Ciao x