Social Media Health Check
What a lovely weekend it has been with the sunshine! I have to admit that the sunshine streaming in my window makes working so much easier! This week I have been working on our final lot of group work and my final individual assignment, both of which are coming along okay so far!
So over the weekend/past few days I have spent a few hours having a social media health check - updating my LinkedIn, twitter etc for potential employers to have a good look at my online presence. No nasty surprises can be found and Facebook is well and truly locked-down as I like to keep this purely personal for my friends.
It still amazes me how some people act on twitter and Facebook, especially when employers are able to see everything you post! Maybe people just don't understand, I am not 100% sure! In this day I would be surprised if an employer didn't look at their employee's online profiles!
How's everyone's week been? I am hoping this sunshine continues (even though it requires a whole new summery wardrobe!)
Ciao xx
this should prompt me to do mine!