It seems like an appropriate time to put out a blog to say a big thank you to all the people who have made university the time of my life...
Firstly, and most importantly, I have to thank my parents. Without them going to university wouldn't have been as possible. They are everything to me - my proof-readers, my additional bank, at the end of the phone at all times of the day and night, provided endless journeys up and down the M1, aided my job hunt and thousands more things... Alongside my parents needs to come my sister, who can now appreciate uni life in her first year! Her post, texts and phone calls mean a lot to me! Plus we send each other cat pictures on a regular basis!
Secondly has to come the boyfriend. My rock for six years, he's been through the whole uni experience with me... had to deal with tears when it's all got too much, visited me every other weekend, danced the night away with me, discovered the best chicken bar in the whole world! Here's to the next chapter of my life with you!
My uni friends. My stars!
We have my flatmate who has had to endure seeing me in the mornings (zombie), she's also experienced meltdowns during deadlines, but she has taught me how to be her sous-chef! :) Wouldn't have been the same not living with her!
Having been on placement a lot of my friends had finished uni when I came back...but this hasn't stopped us still meeting up and visiting each other! True friends right there!! I have met some of the nicest people in final year and hope to stay friends with the "Lonely Larry" crew for many years!
Everyone who has provided me with work experience, without this final year would have been a lot harder. You gave me an insight into working life and what to expect when I graduate. You're knowledge and advice has helped me so much throughout my final year to apply the experience to my theory... plus you boosted my confidence 100%!
Next up come my tutors/lecturers for making my course so enjoyable in final year (pretty sure none of them will read this but still!) - I feel like I have been taught so much and they've made me really enjoy the modules! (Some have had me crying with laughter)
And finally everyone else who has given me advice/a laugh/ had a good night out with me/ tweeted me encouraging messages/ been in a society with me etc etc etc
Hopefully you all know who you are! Without you all uni just wouldn't have been the same!
Much love xx