The next few weeks are going to fly by, there is so much to do! Starting with making some pennies at a car boot (funding for Freshers week?!), waving off my little sister as she starts off her degree at LSBU (future nurse for your kids!), work experience for a few days (cannot wait - thanks to everyone on Northants Hour for helping me out!) and then packing my clothes and tonnes of shoes into bags before moving into my flat (feel sorry for the suitcases!) This Friday the flat is going to get a clean and I am going to (attempt) to make my room 'homely'...!
Right so a bit of Social Media bits and bobs now....
Recently I have started getting involved on Twitter with #Northantshour #MKhour and #weddinghour and I am LOVING IT! Seriously, if you haven't checked them out already then jump on board! Each of these are held for one hour each week - specific day, specific time. They provide the opportunity to tweet about your business/what help you might need/etc. It is brilliant - I managed to get some work experience from tweeting companies via #Northantshour! There is so much potential with these - check them out!
And...whilst you are there why not get social with me? Tweet me @helenchick91 :)
Enjoy the sunshine!
Ciao x